As a camp member, you must be a part of our community

Camp duties and responsibilities
As a member of our camp, there are responsibilities and duties that are required to be part of our camp. As a small camp, ever member of the camp makes a huge difference towards the outcome and experience we have and provide to others. Here, we outline what is expected of every camp member.
Support with Setup or Teardown
We expect every member to help with either setup OR tear down. For 2024, the setup is from Aug 23 to Aug 25th. Tear down is from Aug 31st to Sept 2nd. Tear down includes a MOOP sweep on the 2nd or 3rd. When registering, please let us know when you want to support with. For setup, we provide special passes which allow you access to Burningman before the opening date of Aug 25th. For Tear-down, the commitment is that you stay until the containers are packed and closed. (PLEASE CONSIDER that things happen, and if tear down takes longer, you NEED to be able to stay and help. THINK Rain or other weird situations...)
Interactive Duty
Do one shift throughout the week for 4-6 hours in our tea dome, serving tea and managing the projection dome. This is done with 2 or more people each day.
Be an Active camp member
As a small camp, we are looking for people who want to interact and be a camp together. This doesn't mean you can't have personal time and go do things yourself but we are looking for people who are engaging and 'want' to be a part of the camp. If you are looking just for a place to sleep this might not be the right camp for you.
Burningman Principals
Being a part of our camp is to be a part of Burningman
Burningman only exists because of the constant reminder and pressure to follow the 10 principles and to be a part of living these principles as a community.
Please ensure you are familiar with these principles as we honour and live these as a camp.
You can find them here.