We will update this page over time to help you find answers to frequently asked questions.
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Is there a camp dress theme and do I need outfits for Burning Man?
No, there is not, you wear what makes you comfortable. Lots of people go crazy with outfits and lots of people do nothing. It is fun to dress up and this is a great way to express yourself but don't stress out about it, make sure you have fun with it.
Do I bring my own food and water?
Yes! Burning Man is all about self reliance. Although we're building infrastructure that can be shared and we have "kitchen" water, the idea is you bring your own food and water and are responsible for your own cooking. We've gotten together in the past and setup a night where we all decides to eat together which is fun as a camp but again this is if it fits your schedule that week and not mandatory.
How do I bring in water if I'm taking the Burner Express?
This is a great question and one answered on a case by case basis. You do need to figure this out as you'll need someone else to bring in the water for you.
How do I get into Burning Man?
There are a number of ways into Burning Man. If you've purchased a vehicle pass you can drive in. There is also the Burner Express Bus and Burner Express Air. The bus drives you in and the Air lands at the airport. The trick with the Burner Expresses is getting your supplies in, including a bike which is highly recommended.

Please ask questions!
Please continue to email us questions and we will update this page with answers. :)